Examples in PSP support packet show how to do some basic networking task, embedded web, and monitor/control some well-known sensors/actuators via different ways. By learning through these examples, you will equip yourself with basic knowledge to become an IoT creator.
Transformation of Serial Data Content of the video is to show how to insert a string ahead of data to distinguish where it comes from. |
User's environment variable setup through the web Content of the video is to show how to put a string in a web page. |
Data analysing through debugging In this video, we will learn to test PBH-101 with a thermometer module. We will program to get the data of current temperature by analyzing serial data from the thermometer module. |
Sending E-mail when an event occurs In this tutorial, we will set a specific range of temperature data from a serial port. Then, when temperature is not in the range, an E-mail will be sent with temperature data. |
Saving data in Database(MySQL) We will go through the test how to save temperature data in DB by using a MySQL library. you need MySQL DB server to be ready as well as creating a DB, table and so on for the test. |
Real-time monitoring using Websocket We will go over an application of real-time monitoring by using Websocket. You will be able to check incoming serial data of temperature via Websocket in real time on a web page. |