string hash_final(string $context [ , bool $raw_output = false ] ))
hash_final() finalizes an incremental hash and return resulting digest
※ available F/W version : all
Returns a string containing the calculated message digest as lowercase hexits unless $raw_output is set to true, in which case, the raw binary representation of the message digest is returned.
$data1 = "abcdefg";
$data2 = "hijklmn";
$context = hash_init("md5");
hash_update($context, $data1);
hash_update($context, $data2);
$hash_value = hash_final($context, true);
// OUTPUT: 0000 08 45 a5 97 2c d9 ad 4a 46 ba d6 6f 12 53 58 1f |.E..,..JF..o.SX.|
hash() / hash_init() / hash_update() / hash_hmac()
hash_final () is identical to PHP group’s hash_final function.