int pid_open ( string $path [ , int $flags ] )
pid_open() opens the specified file/port/peripheral
※ available F/W version : all
without O_NODIE flag
Returns the file/port/peripheral’s PID on success, PHP error on error.
$pid = pid_open("/mmap/uart0"); // open UART0
// set the device to 115200bps, no parity, 8 databit, 1stop bit
pid_ioctl($pid, "set baud 115200");
pid_ioctl($pid, "set parity 0");
pid_ioctl($pid, "set data 8");
pid_ioctl($pid, "set stop 1");
pid_ioctl($pid, "set flowctrl 0");
$rbuf = "";
// read upto 10 bytes from the $pid into $rbuf
$rlen = pid_read($pid, $rbuf, 10);
// write $rlen bytes of the $rbuf to the $pid
if($rlen > 0) $wlen = pid_write($pid, $rbuf, $rlen);
pid_close() / pid_ioctl() / pid_read() / pid_write() / pid_recv() / pid_send() / pid_connect()
Refer to the product’s manual for the paths for each product.