
Error Messages

PHPoC prints various error messages out for debugging by console.

Error Messages
address already in use
argument count mismatch
cannot break/continue N level(s)
'case' or 'default' expected
device or resource busy
divided by zero
duplicated name
expression syntax error
file name too long
file not found
function not implemented
integer number too large
invalid argument
invalid constant name
invalid device or address
maximum execution time exceeded
missing operator
missing terminating character ''' or '"'
modifiable value required
only variable can be passed by reference
operation not permitted
out of memory
string too long
syntax error
syntax error, unexpected array [, expecting 'token']
syntax error, unexpected character
syntax error, unexpected 'character' [, expecting 'character']
syntax error, unexpected end of file
syntax error, unexpected 'name' [, expecting 'character']
syntax error, unexpected number [, expecting 'character']
syntax error, unexpected 'operator' [, expecting 'token']
syntax error, unexpected string [, expecting 'character']
syntax error, unexpected 'token' [, expecting 'token']
syntax error, unexpected variable [, expecting 'character']
too many open files
undefined name
undefined offset
unsupported argument type
unsupported operand type
unsupported operator
unsupported pid
unsupported type juggling
'while' expected