Installing the Library

  1. Run Arduino IDE.

    Arduino IDE

  2. Click the Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries.. menu.

    Arduino IDE

  3. Search "phpoc" on the Library Manager.

    Arduino IDE

  4. Select the PHPoC library and press the [Install] button.

    Arduino IDE

    "INSTALLED" message will appear on success.

    Arduino IDE

  5. Confirm the additional Arduino Phpoc Library.

    Check if "PHPoC" has been added to the "Include Library" menu of the sketch menu of Arduino IDE.

    Arduino IDE

  6. Confirm the additional Arduino PHPoC examples.

    Check if "PHPoC" has been added to the "Examples" menu in the file menu of Arduino IDE.

    Arduino IDE

  7. To run the built-in examples of PHPoC Shield, follow the instructions from Run the Example.