Activating PHPoC Engine

P4M-440G is a programmable module, but this feature is initially disabled. To enable user programming on P4M-440G, you need to activate this setting, which can be done in the basic environment file (phpoc.ini) in the P4M-440G's file system.

Setting Procedures

  1. Access P4M-440G's file system using PHPoC Debugger.
  2. In PHPoC Debugger's file system view, select the phpoc.ini file.
  3. Change the "init_php" item in the phpoc.ini file from "Off" to "On" as follows:

    phpoc.ini (original) phpoc.ini (modified)
    init_php = Off init_php = On
  4. Upload the modified file system.
  5. Reboot the device.


Enabling the user programming feature provides access to several interfaces and additional functions. However, using too much memory for programming may impact the operation of the MQTT feature. Therefore, it is recommended to enable it only when necessary.

※ For detailed information on P4M-440G with the user programming feature enabled, please refer to the P4M-440G User Manual.

If you modify or delete files stored in the P4M-440G's file system, MQTT functionality may not work correctly. In such cases, you should use PHPoC Debugger to re-upload the ATC/MQTT package to the P4M-440G's file system. You can download the ATC/MQTT package from the online repository.