

P4M-440G interfaces with two 12 x 1 pin headers (P1 ~ P2). The pin spacing is 2mm.


Pin# Name I/O Description
P1.1 GND - Ground
P1.2 TPTX+ In/Out Ethernet Transmit +
P1.3 TPTX- In/Out Ethernet Transmit -
P1.4 TPRX+ In/Out Ethernet Receive +
P1.5 TPRX- In/Out Ethernet Receive -
P1.6 GND - Ground
P1.7 VBUS In USB Device VBUS
P1.8 USB_D_D- In/Out USB Device Data -
P1.9 USB_D_D+ In/Out USB Device Data +
P1.10 VBAT In Battery Input
P1.11 RST# In Reset Input (Active LOW)
P1.12 ISP# In ISP Input (Active LOW)


Pin# Name I/O Description
P2.1 +3.3V - +3.3V Power Input
P2.2 NSS(0.0) In/Out Reserved
P2.3 SCK(0.1) In/Out Reserved
P2.4 MISO(0.2) In/Out Reserved
P2.5 MOSI(0.3) In/Out Reserved
P2.6 U0TX(0.4) In/Out UIO 0.4 / UART0 TX
P2.7 U0RX(0.5) In/Out UIO 0.5 / UART0 RX
P2.8 SCL(0.6) In/Out Reserved
P2.9 SDA(0.7) In/Out Reserved
P2.10 U1TX(0.10) In/Out UIO 0.10 / UART1 TX
P2.11 U1RX(0.11) In/Out UIO 0.11 / UART1 RX
P2.12 GND - Ground


There is an STS LED located at the top-left corner of the module. This LED blinks at a 1-second interval.

P3, P4

P3 and P4 are only for the manufacture.