AT Commands

All MQTT functionalities of the P4M-440G are executed through AT commands. Therefore, it is essential for users to be familiar with the usage of AT commands.

Basic Format

AT commands and responses are composed of ASCII strings and are case-insensitive. Every AT command always starts with 'AT' and ends with '<CR>'.

※ <CR>: Carriage Return, 0x0d

Command List: General

Command Description Usage
E Command Echo OFF/ON OFF: ATE0<CR>, ON: ATE1<CR>
Z Reset & Reboot ATZ<CR>

Command List: MQTT

Command Description
+MCT Setting Timeout
+MCCF Setting Connection Flags
+MCCP Setting Connection Payload
+MCB Setting QoS
+MNC Connecting to a Broker
+MND Disconnecting from a Broker
+MNG Reading Messages
+MBT Setting Topic Buffer
+MBM Setting Message Buffer
+MQNS Getting Status
+MQNU Getting the number of unread messages
+MQNR Getting the size of a received message
+MQC Getting the client ID
+MCO Setting the short response mode

Command Responses

Response Description
OK get ready or a command executed successfully
ERROR a command executed error
otherwise a response corresponding to each command