ATC & MQTT Settings

ATC and MQTT environment settings can be changed in the PXM environment file (pxm.ini) in the P4M-440G's file system.


PXM Parameter Description Default Values
ATC atc_uart_dev UART Device ID "uart0" "uart0","uart1"
ATC atc_uart_baud UART Baudrate (bps) 19200 1200 ~ 115200
ATC atc_uart_opt UART Option "n81n" "n81n"(fixed)
- n: No parity
- 8: 8 data bits
- 1: 1 stop bit
- n: No flow-control
ATC atc_cmd_buf_size Command Buffer Size (Byte) 256 128 ~ 2048
MQTT mqtt_max_topic_len Max. Topic Buffer Size (Byte) 128 64 ~ 1024
MQTT mqtt_max_msg_len Max. Message Buffer Size (Byte) 256 64 ~ 4096
MQTT mqtt_max_pub_buf MQTT PUBLISH Topic Buffer Quantity 4 4 ~ 32
MQTT mqtt_max_sub_buf MQTT SUBSCRIBE Topic Buffer Quantity 4 4 ~ 32

※ Due to limited memory capacity, MQTT buffer-related settings may not be usable even within the specified range depending on the settings of other items. It is recommended to use default values, so please only change them if absolutely necessary, and make sure to conduct sufficient testing after the changes.


  1. Access the P4M-440G's file system using PHPoC Debugger.
  2. Select the pxm.ini file in the file system.
  3. Modify the values of the configuration items.
  4. Upload the modified file system.
  5. Reboot the device.



If you modify or delete files stored in the P4M-440G's file system, MQTT functionality may not work correctly. In such cases, you should use PHPoC Debugger to re-upload the ATC/MQTT package to the P4M-440G's file system. You can download the ATC/MQTT package from the online repository.